Tuesday, June 26, 2012
X-men Origins

Monday, June 25, 2012
MC lars is more punk than you

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Red Wing
Kirkman's The Red Wing, if nothing else, is a pretty brilliant concept. a war fought through time. In My mind it is a concept that has almost infinite story telling possibilities, and is perfect for the comics medium. Lush art helps Kirkman's creation. What starts out as a study of father and son becomes even more against the back drop of technology, war over resources and environmental concerns. Really excited to see where this story goes.. - Brad Filicky
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Classic albums - Nevermind
I am happy to see that the entire catalog of classic albums is now on Netflix streaming. I recently watched the episode on Nirvana's Nevermind. As much as I enjoyed it, i don't really l think i learned that much. Although i thought the interviews with butch dog were very vital. As great an album as Nevermind is, the band will never get out from under the long shadow of cobain's suicide. There is an obvious sense of sadness throughout the show, as seen in hearing Curt's hushed vocal takes on "Something's In The Way". As good as the dave grohl and the foo fighters are, we will always wonder what Nirvana could have been, where they would be... what we have is an incredible, culture changing legacy that will remain hopefully forever.
Monday, May 7, 2012
And the horse he rode in on
I know this book may be outdated now that we are way past the monica lewinski days. Thankfully kenneth starr is a footnote in history rather than somebody who actually change things or impeached a president. Hilary clinton talked about the vast right wing conspiracy and was laughed out. in carville's book he demonstrates that it did exist in the form of ken starr and his cronies. worth a read for sure.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Lana Del Rey- JJW
How many chances do we as the general public give this strange girl?
Her "video games" song is clearly set in the wrong key for her voice.
The melody is awkward at best.
She stands there frozen in time swaying her hair slightly as the band keeps fingers crossed at every performance that it will not be a repeat of the infamous SNL disaster.
Alas, she is consistently disappointing...
Her "video games" song is clearly set in the wrong key for her voice.
The melody is awkward at best.
She stands there frozen in time swaying her hair slightly as the band keeps fingers crossed at every performance that it will not be a repeat of the infamous SNL disaster.
Alas, she is consistently disappointing...
Friday, March 23, 2012
L'Arc- en- Ciel tickets to giveaway!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Cowboy Junkies - Trinity revisited

Trinity Sessions is one of my favorite albums of all time. When the Junkies released this anniversary edition i was excited to check it out. The results are mixed. I love the guest artists simply because it proves the lasting influence the band and album have had. on the other hand the guests didn't always vibe with the Junkies.. I guess it just proves the chemistry of the band and the power of Margot's voice. it's worth picking up, and i love the original album more than ever.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
American Splendor (the movie)

This film has been on cable a lot recently and I am amazed at how good a job the filmmakers did. The beauty of Harvey Pekar's work is dramatic simple life can be. Their is beauty in the mundane and nobody could find that magic like Harvey, so it was a wise choice to put the actual harvey in the film. This is easily one of the best movies based on a comic book ever made. It only gets better with repeated viewing..
Monday, March 19, 2012
Glastonbury Anthems DVD

British rock never seems to get the respect in America that it deserves. If more people could watch these performances that would change. Taken form various years in the Glastonbury festival's history, this dvd spotlights bands like Travis and Supergrass who should be bigger here than they are. granted their are performances by well known acts in the USA from Radiohead, Moby and Chemical Brothers. All in all it makes you wish you were there. A special treat from me was the Levellers. I had no idea they were that good.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Bitch monster
It would be nice to live a world where nothing ever bothers us. things can just roll off our shoulders. but we were not all meant to be hippies. Some of us can turn into real bitch monsters.
I am human, I get annoyed and yes, I get angry from time to time.
It does not mean that I want change who i am entirely but I don't want to lose focus on what is really important.
the only thing that helps, is when on the inside I am seeing red, but look into Brads eyes.
I remember love, being calm and reason.
he has this way of stopping me in my tracks without ever needing to say a word and I find myself back peddling out of the bitch monster zone into normal mode once again.
so thank god for patient men.
because deep down all ladies are crazy, even in short spurts...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Joni Mitchell

It seems like a lot classic artists had an awkward 80's. When i first put this dvd in the player i thought Joni would be in that list, but after I settled in to listening to the music i realized that Joni was kind of prog rock in the 80's. This seems to be the logical conclusion to her interest in jazz. It's not perfect but the ebbs and swells are not bad. the reinvention of her classic "Woodstock" at the end is a highlight. Give it a chance you may not be disappointed..
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Goodfellas screenplay

It wasn't until after i graduated college that i became a fan of Martin S. Now I love his work. Goodfellas is no exception. His screenplay is pitch perfect. He wouldn't have been able to get the performances out of his actors if the script wasn't top notch. Martin S. knew what he wanted when he set out to make Goodfellas and his script is the logical conclusion of a perfectly executed vision. Brutal, ugly, powerful and breathtaking all at once..
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Art Of Being Trendy

The Art of Being Trendy- Jenny Joy
To one, the simple art of matching comes easily, and to others like myself it poses a problem.
I was working for a massive retail establishment, always being told to look good to sell big!
I get it, not being fashion forward minded, I started looking around to the people that I was working with to see what they were wearing.
This was at a time where I was seeing a lot of footless black tights and baby doll dresses and skirts accompanied by a cute blouse or whatever.
So I think to myself, Why the hell not! I can do this, I'm cute right?
I told myself today is the day! I asked two of my co-workers to shop with me and guide on this path of trendiness that has always alluded me.
I find the outfit and then get home and start pumping myself up for my new adventure at work the next day.
It starts off by passing the shoe section of the store a get a “Hey Red, looking` good!”
I now have a sudden spring to my step as I saunter onward toward my section of the store.
I meet up with my co-workers who all look very put together themselves and they tell me I did it!
And now we await the occasional walk by of upper management who check us out to make sure we are behaving or looking good … to be honest the woman that hired me looked more like one of my idols Howard Stern then she did a good looking woman. But low and behold here she comes. We are wearing similar things which should have made me feel better. As she gets closer, I can see her looking at me head back and with new eyes, but instead of kind eyes they turn into these tiny slits that seem to seethe anger. Still she looks on and never says a word... eerie...
I am of course a bit confused looking around me to see if there is something going on behind me that I may have missed. There she goes looking deep into my soul and walks off. I am shaken but shrug it off.
Then it was maybe a half hour later and I see her again which for a normal day was odd.
She is heading right for me! Oh no, I think this is it she is gonna say something.
She walks up to me and starts off with some crap about how she noticed that I bought a new outfit and how she appreciates my efforts of trying to be trendy, but then folks here it comes. Her next words to me were... but could you never do that again. Can you believe it!!! I was so stunned, that I was just able to get out a squeak of : cool... no problem, I was just trying something new.
You know, as that old broad walked off with her smug holier then thou face, I walked over to my friends to tell them. Through out that day she came up to me 2 more times. Once to say that my tights were were too sheer, she had me buy a new pair but didn’t like those either she said to avoid being sent home I could wear both pairs as layers.
Next was my skirt, she claimed it was too short and had me go buy another right then and there to hang lower. Now people, I am not a small girl and do not wear slut bag clothes that show off my ass, So that was over the top. There was no way I was inappropriate looking! But whatever.
To this day I have a hard time dealing with trying on new things or thinking about what is “in Style” because of her. Words hurt people, that is the lesson learned.
-Jenny Joy
Your all robots! So at least dress differently Geez!
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Wall Immersion box set

everyone has their favorite era of Pink Floyd. I have always had a place in my heart for the Roger Waters era. it was darker and grittier than the Syd era and slightly more sophisticated than the David Gilmore era. To me Roger's ego and vision gave us some of the best music of the 20th century. And the Wall was the best of the best. I loved how Water's vision was extremely personal, yet seemed to encapsulate the experience of living in the 20th century for every generation. Well it's the 21st century now and we have the Wall Immersion box set. 6 cps and one dvd all dedicated to The Wall. I'm sucked back into it like when i discovered it for the first time. What really grabs my attention is the two discs of demos. it is fascinating to watch the wall take shape. It's an inside glimpse of a genius at work. It takes work to get through it, but it is worth it. I can't wait until i see the Wall performed live at Yankee Stadium in July!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Dr. Oz show- Jenny Joy

A few weeks ago, I had the Dr.Oz show on where they had mentioned that If you signed up on the website you would receive this chip maker that made healthy potato chips.
I said Hell yes! and proceeded to fill out forms online. None of these forms happened to be offering me a chip maker, However, after further reading I see a posting where if you live in NY or NJ and want to be on the show to fill out yet, another form. I did it not thinking anyone would actually call me back.
the form i filled out did not have a specific show in mind, it was just a general outline of my age, height and weight. and what i would like to achieve by being on the show. To my surprise I did get a call back saying that they are going to be having a show soon where if I was interested then they needed me to send pictures of myself, full sized front back and side with a close up of my face smiling.
I had brad take the pictures and we sent them in. I got another call back. She asked me If I remembered a show they had on a few weeks before where the ladies on stage were all in sport bras showing off there bellies. Which was again odd because I did happen to see that show. I nervously said yeah... she goes on to tell me that Dr. Oz loved that show and they want to do another version, this time with the Butt! well, I got one of those :) she asked me to describe my butt, I said well it's not like you look at it and think Whoa! but you'd also see that It's not small either.
She loved it, I had her laughing.
then came time for the show, I was up in an awesome green room which was right across from Jimmy Fallon and the Roots. but sadly they were not around.. i did get scolded for trying to take a picture of the roots dressing room door.. She called me out by name, Ha.. weird.. shouldn't i be random butt # 14 to you? oh well, guess my ass made an impression, lol.
I had a blast, the nervous energy between everyone was running wild! Dr. Oz talked to me on the show which i was not expecting. by the time it registered to me that this was happening and i could see myself out of the corner of my eye on the big screen i spit out the best answers that i could on the fly and hope that i dont sound crazy when i watch it today...
I think the worst part was standing in there line up out in the hall ways or what seemed to feel like forever, as they looked over all of our butts..
Random people walking up to us saying how we are there hero.. We finally get on set and the audience goes crazy for us. I loved it! I learned a few tips and tricks and do not regret being on the show for one second! it was exciting.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Actual

I like reading the classics. I don't read as many as I should, but i do enjoy them. I had never read saul Bellow before this little novella, but after reading it i want to read more of his work. Ambition, sexual obsession, love, this little story of an orphan all grown up and trying to make it has it all. The prose is hypnotizing in a good way. You will find it is all over way to soon. Now.. which of his novels should i read next? herzog perhaps?
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Hold me closer,Tony Danza and other misheard lyrics

Hold me closer, Tony Danza and other misheard lyrics -Charles Grosvenor Jr.
The concept of this book is the epitome of genius!
Inside you will find a multitude of artists who have lyrics that are commonly misunderstood.
Knowing how easy it is to fall victim to butchering a great song I am including a few that I would have sworn by, starting with Dido- White flag. ( correct: I will put my hands up and surrender) I thought... I will poke my eyes out and surrender.. which I always found odd, but hey?! You never know.
I would also like to add that this exact correction was one of the listed songs word for word I literally laughed out loud. Like see!! I knew it!
Then Pearl Jam black ( correct: I'm surrounded by some kids at play) I heard, I'm surround by donkeys and bears.... what can I say?
The title to this book has one of the funniest misheard lyrics to date, (correct: hold me closer tiny dancer) listed as hold me closer, Tony Danza. HaHa..
Here are the top 10 misheard lyrics I love from this book
10.No Doubt-Just A Girl-
Correct: take this pink ribbon off my eyes-
take this big chicken off my eye
9.for my Ohio friends- Alice in Chains: rooster
(correct: yeah here come the rooster)
Yeah he come from Wooster. 8.Will Smith- getting jiggy with it
(correct: getting jiggy with it)-
Hit a chicken with it
7.The white stripes- seven nation army
(correct: I'm gonna fight `em off)-
I’m gonna find a moth
6.Tool- schism
(correct: I know the pieces fit)
I know the pizzas thin
---One thing on this I will add is that tool is one band where when hearing the song ten reading the lyrics it's like never having heard it before. Like wha? Maynard is the only man I know who can make prison sex sound beautiful.. no joke.---
5. R. Kelly- I believe I can fly
(correct: I believe I touch the sky) –
Abby leave Ike, and touch this guy
4. rage against the machine- bulls on parade
(correct: they rally round the family with a pocket full of shells)
runnin' round the family, with a flock of polish elves.
3. Pink-get the party started-
(correct: I'm coming up so you better get this party started) –
I’ve gotta knife, so you better get this party started.
2. Outkast- Hey Ya!-
(correct: shake it like a Polaroid picture)
shake it like a corduroy preacher
1. Nine Inch Nails- Down in it
(correct: I was up above it)
I was up a bunny
So in closing I have to thank everyone of you humans who like me are creative enough to hear more then meets the ear in this case. This book is a great party piece. Sure to make your friends laugh and you might discover how in some cases like me with the Dido song, your not crazy after all. Haha. Or come up with a few more that didn't make the cut.
For the rest of you YOUR ALL ROBOTS!
Happy Reading!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Blue Spear

I am a big fan of Com-x's 45 so i was pretty psyched when they announced a set of series expanding on the stories of some of the characters. First up is Blue Spear. Usually it is the story that grabs me with Blue Spear it was the art. Not that the story wasn't good, but the art was beautiful with impressive use of colors. 45 and the characters in it deserve tone near legendary. these spin off series should be just as good and if Blue Spear is any indication then they are well on their way. Recommended.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Big Russ&Me

Big Russ&Me
I am not big into debating politics, or hearing either side yell at each other however, what I do enjoy is understanding the fair balance of what is going on to fully understand the heart of the issues.
I started watching meet the press a few times and thinking Tim Russert was so pleasant and I was drawn into his calm demeanor and positive outlook.
While reading Big Russ&Me I was equally saddened by the tragic loss of this amazing human being, and also fondly reminded of why I loved his work in the first place.
The stories of his childhood are so descriptive you really get the full essence of his experiences growing up.
If you did not get the chance to watch Tim on meet the press, I suggest looking up some old archives online or at least reading this book because you will experience something very special.
Happy Reading!
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Physick book of Deliverance Dane

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
I was always under the impression that I was a slow reader, until recently It came to my attention that it's more like I am a careful reader.
I thought about this a lot.
OK. sure, it did take me a whole year to get through Wicked, but in the end I was happy because I loved it!
When I picked up this book, it was at the town library during a book sale. I decided to grab it on a whim. I just finished it the other night and I am so very glad that I did.
It most certainly did not take me a whole year to read, but It has it's own challenges.
There are parts of the text that read in an old-timey Boston accent, not easy to break down into regular words at times... but you know what got me through it honestly, was Julianne Moore's character on 30 Rock. Her Boston accent helps me play that tone out in my mind and I could then hear the words being spoken... hey whatever works sometimes, eh?
Anyway, once you start getting to the really good stuff towards the end you will be so riveted by what happens you'll thank yourself for powering through the tricky stuff...
this book seems to be available in many markets ebooks, audio books, regular form... so no excuses people... reading is good for the soul, and who doesn't love a book about witches anyhow?!
especially the Salem old hard core kind ;)
Happy reading!
Really Marvel?

thanks to toplessrobot.com and "Starman" Matt Morrison for this bit of douchebaggery ...
1. The guy who created the demonic, biker version of Ghost Rider for Marvel asked if they'd credit him and give him a slice of the pie when they put out the Ghost Rider movie.
2. Marvel said "Ha-ha! You're funny."
3. Creator took Marvel to court.
4. Marvel counter-sued, won and is now trying to take away said creator's last source of income and deny him the right to sell Ghost Rider merchandise or ever promote himself as having created Ghost Rider.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Standing in line....RANT!

Standing in Line
-Jenny Joy
Since the dawn of time we have all followed a golden rule of if there is a line, you wait your turn.
Keeping this in mind, I was recently at a Mcdonalds in NYC, I was standing in line for the bathroom when the strangest thing kept happening, please keep in mind this line was about 8 people in when people would just walk right up to the door and start jiggling the handle, once they realized what was going on they attempted to then stand behind the next person in line unless directed otherwise..
Are people that oblivious, really?
Just wondering....
Super Power Blues

Super Power blues is a bit of a Powers rip off, both in art and colorful dialogue. Although it isn't as good, it is a very nobel try. A lot of these indie graphic novels seemed to be aimed at becoming a tv series or movie. It's almost like they are written as scripts. this is true with SPB. I do think that it could be a successful series if the premise was expanded on ... So it may not be as good as Powers but hey.. it'd still make a decent tv show. No shame in that.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Sight Unseen

Sight Unssen - An interesting premise dealing with a dogs ability to see ghosts due to nature of their eyes and what wood happen if science found a way to use that to help the blind see. A moody, atmospheric horror story, one that utilizes the comic medium to utmost effect, but I can't help but wonder what would happen if this was made into a movie.. all the elements exist in this story to make it a truly unique horror film. Are you listening hollywood? graphic novels are hot properties so get on it!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
This is happening

DC Comics announced this today:
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
By David Hyde
This summer, DC Entertainment will publish all-new stories expanding on the acclaimed WATCHMEN universe. As highly anticipated as they are controversial, the seven inter-connected prequel mini-series will build on the foundation of the original WATCHMEN, the bestselling graphic novel of all time. BEFORE WATCHMEN will be the collective banner for all seven titles, from DC Comics.
“It’s our responsibility as publishers to find new ways to keep all of our characters relevant,” said DC Entertainment Co-Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee. “After twenty five years, the Watchmen are classic characters whose time has come for new stories to be told. We sought out the best writers and artists in the industry to build on the complex mythology of the original.”
Stepping up to the challenge is a group of the comic book industry’s most iconoclastic writers and artists – including Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS), Lee Bermejo (JOKER), Amanda Conner (POWER GIRL), Darwyn Cooke (JUSTICE LEAGUE: NEW FRONTIER), John Higgins (WATCHMEN), Adam Hughes (CATWOMAN), J.G. Jones (FINAL CRISIS), Andy Kubert (FLASHPOINT), Joe Kubert (SGT. ROCK), Jae Lee (BATMAN: JEKYLL AND HYDE), J. Michael Straczynski (SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE) and Len Wein (SWAMP THING).
RORSCHACH (4 issues) – Writer: Brian Azzarello. Artist: Lee Bermejo
MINUTEMEN (6 issues) – Writer/Artist: Darwyn Cooke
COMEDIAN (6 issues) – Writer: Brian Azzarello. Artist: J.G. Jones
DR. MANHATTAN (4 issues) – Writer: J. Michael Straczynski. Artist: Adam Hughes
NITE OWL (4 issues) – Writer: J. Michael Straczynski. Artists: Andy and Joe Kubert
OZYMANDIAS (6 issues) – Writer: Len Wein. Artist: Jae Lee
SILK SPECTRE (4 issues) – Writer: Darwyn Cooke. Artist: Amanda Conner
Each week, a new issue will be released, and will feature a two-page back-up story called CURSE OF THE CRIMSON CORSAIR, written by original series editor Len Wein and with art by original series colorist John Higgins. There will also be a single issue, BEFORE WATCHMEN: EPILOGUE, featuring the work of various writers and artists, and a CRIMSON CORSAIR story by Wein and Higgins.
“The original series of WATCHMEN is the complete story that Alan Moore and I wanted to tell. However, I appreciate DC’s reasons for this initiative and the wish of the artists and writers involved to pay tribute to our work. May these new additions have the success they desire,” said Dave Gibbons, WATCHMEN co-creator and original series artist.
“Comic books are perhaps the largest and longest running form of collaborative fiction,” said DiDio and Lee. “Collaborative storytelling is what keeps these fictional universes current and relevant.”
*sigh* i don't like this idea... UGGGGGGGGH.... But I will buy them.. I'm such a sucker... *sigh*
Monday, January 30, 2012
Trains Are.. Mint

Part On The Road, part urban diary, Trains Are.. Mint are the illustrated ramblings and wanderings of Oliver East as he vistas numerous brian stations. Full of longing, introspection and pathos delivered with heart, this book is an indie rock comic. All that's missing is a soundtrack CD by the Shins and Death Cab. As twee as it gets it really is a poignant vision of modern urban loneliness. Def recommended. - ben hunt
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Movie Experiance... Explicit......

-Jenny Joy
It's February, which for me means I don't leave the house much
Cuz let's face it it's too damn cold out!
But when I do I like to make the most of my day.
Brad and I decided to go see a movie “The Grey”
So I feel it best to describe this experience from the beginning....
we get to the theater early, so fair enough people are talking, whatever that's all fine and dandy..
except for the fact that the people across from us are these older folks who claim they do not like gossiping about other people spent the entire time talking about everyone under the sun, so and so is fat now and so ugly and some poor guy who they are bashing about him only going to see gay movies and calling him the dreaded “fagot”... grrrr....
the lights go off, when realistic I feel that is the time when you SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!
but no, we start with the first preview, a horror film.
Doesn't matter which one, point is you see a girl and she looks to be in pain and then this old fuck starts in... “ these movies only cost 2 dollars to make, but people keep going” his companion old stupid lady, chimes in “ yeah! Then they all make millions of dollars off it!”
oh good, glad we cleared that up!
Now that I have lost focus on what I’ve just seen on the screen....
I am at this point fixated on these horrendous voices behind me and I can't seem to regain focus on the movie...
then we get to the feature film, the words THE GREY come up and the old fucker of course feels the need to read the words out loud as they appear...
Again thanks for that buddy without your help I couldn't have made it through the intro..
This did not end here...
anyone who has seen the preview knows that this movie is based in cold weather and the whole time they are both talking...
Oh it's so cold there...
Hey look it's his wife...
Oh It's a wolf!
At this point my inner rage went from 0 to 15 in a hulk moment that thank go, I just swallowed down... at one point I look at them shaking my head.. what else can I do?!
I thought that only teenagers were disrespectful in public, I guess not.
They laugh as you would assume a teenager again to do.
But then shh each other when they get fired up again verbally describing the scenes from the movie out loud. They proceed to giggle at us like we are the assholes..
I'm freaking sorry, but did I just pay to hang out with you in your living room like we are watching a netflix and you talk through the whole damn thing or what?!
the movie was good, it was sad in some parts, but all I could think about was how I wish the fucking wolf would hurry up and eat these people!
Then you get to the end and of course they hated it...
so all in all...
what an experience....
I understand that when you in a small theater it's hard to avoid certain things but people have respect... when you are out in public think for one second about how others have paid money as well to have a good time. So please SHUT UP!!!
thank you...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
House of Night (comic)

HOUSE OF NIGHT distributed by Dark Horse Comics.
-Jenny Joy
This comic series is new but the book series is not, However, Just 3 issues in and I can honestly say I am hooked!
The story of House Of Night- Is a finishing school for young vampires, known as Fledglings, these teen vamps haven't made the change to become adult vampires yet. But for some the change may be fatal.
sounds like a winner to me!
It has so many different elements to it. Young teen vampires with powers, and even an informative taste of mythology.
The main Character Zooey Redbird has to learn these lessons that take her and her friends back in time through story form of the leaders in the past who have helped pave the way of there existence.
Monday, January 16, 2012
bad religion

if you ask most people who got in bad religion what their favorite br album is they would say Recipe For Hate, but for me it was Generator. thoughtful lyrics, attitude, catchy but powerful melodies - it was this album that hit home for me more than any of their other albums. this was after the 80's punk movement but before the punk explosion of the mid 90's. i think this record is the perfect missing link between the two. the band compromised nothing yet seemed to move the whole genre to the next level of mass acceptance.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
silencing political dissent

Even though the Bush years are gone it is wise not forget lessons we've learned. after all the old adage that those who don't learn from history are domed to repeat it rings true. This book was published in 2006, but reading it still gives me chills. we were closer to fascism then I ever thought possible. if Bush had proven a more competent president it could have even gone further and if arrogance and hubris hadn't done in those close to him we could have already invaded Iran...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Maude Maggart sings Irving Berlin

Maude Maggart sings Irving Berlin
Sister to Fiona Apple, Maude Maggart has been making her mark in a very cabaret nature.
If you were to YouTube her you would mostly find a very small collection of her work and one duet with Fiona (paper moon) but none of these songs touch my favorite workings that she has produced.
-Maude Maggart sings Irving Berlin-
I love these renditions! Beautifully remastered with innocence and a deep richness that make any music appreciator stop for a listen.
This album is becoming rare to find which is a shame but I do find that I can find her on Pandora quite frequently.
1 You Keep Coming Back Like A Song
2 Remember
3 Alexander's Ragtime Band
4 Yiddisha Nightingale
5 Soft Lights And Sweet Music
6 Pack Up Your Sins and Go to the Devil / Everybody Step
7 What'll I Do? / All Alone
8 When I Lost You
9 Always
10 Slumming On Park Avenue
11 When I Leave The World Behind
12 The Song Is Ended (But the Melody Lingers On)
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Charmed Comic Series
by JJW
For many charmed fans when the show ended it felt like so much more of the story should have continued on.
Then to my most excited surprise we get a comic!
I have been carefully reading these issues and have been collecting them as often as I did for the paperback books they put out.
This time instead of writing b-stories based off the episodes we get the continuation of the show.. it is everything that I could have ever hoped for and more.
Having went to this past Comic con in NY, I can tell you that it is very frustrating to see the abundance of Buffy merchandise everywhere from calendars to books and action figures.
One has to ask.. Where the hell is all the charmed Stuff hidden?
Could this be perhaps another reason to blame Shannon Doherty?
Well. Perhaps not, after years of understanding that Ms. Doherty made keeping her out of the story line difficult and even awkward at times, we now through the comic get a better understanding of what was going on in her absence.
I will not offer up a spoiler but I can tell you that I was riveted while reading.
I love this series and highly recommend it to all my fellow charmed fans.
I would also like to add for anyone who loves the show but is not used to the graphic novel format of writing, knowing the voices and the series helps make sense of this style format.
I wish you all happy reading !
And always remember the power of three will set you free ;)
-Jenny Joy
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Rising Stars

I have written about a lot "superhero in a real world setting" books before, but rising stars is one of the most epic. J michael S's work on this series is a labor of love and is just as good as his work on Babylon 5, Spiderman and Supreme Power. The art is very 90's Image comics, which was the only draw back for me. the story more than made up for it. Dark and dense, this is a book that will suck you in. i read the entire series in about 2 days, barely coming up for air.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Jenny's tori corner

TORI CORNER by Jenny Joy
Issue 1.
Top 10 Favorite Tori Amos songs and why
10. WITNESS- this song comes at you hard with heavy bass lines the Hammond organ and some fast lyrics that will make your head spin.
9. TOAST- toast is a more emotional song that when your feeling sad and you are reminiscing of those who have passed on.. you raise a glass, make a toast in their honor.
8. Bug a Martini- this song is found on the welcome to sunny Florida DVD as an extra and it is really funky and exciting. Makes you wanna dance!
7. original sinsuality- I like this song because it made me pull out all my books and research what and who she was singing about and there is a wonderful mysterious story deep within the characters in this song.
6. TAKE TO THE SKY- tori loves to play this song live and though generally speaking, I am not always one for any type of audience participation however, when Tori asks... how can one say no?
5. yes Anastasia- this is a great longer song I not only love the lyrics but the end of this song is really what does it for me. The high notes are stellar :)
4. THAT GUY- comes off of the abnormally attracted to sin album. This entire CD was like walking into a smoke filled bar on a Wednesday afternoon and people watching as the scene gets more odd by the hour. And when it comes to Tori there is just nothing wrong with that.
3.PRECIOUS THINGS- for all those with a “billy” in there pasts this one for me always hit home. To me this song has a lot to do with the personal side effects of conforming to others because its the normal thing to do. And how to walk away from it as well and start over as your self.
I love this song bit more then the others because there was a time in my life where I was more of the listener and didn’t speak up for myself. And it took me longer then it should have to realize that all I needed was a push and then off I went into become for better or worse who I would be for the next 10 years.
1. Cool on your island-
this is by far my most favorite tori Amos song ever. It screams to me in so many ways. I love to hear her play it live ( it always makes me cry)
I love to sing along to it when I am at home. I mean come on... is it cool on your island? Sometime we feel so separated from not only others but from our selves and this song is the prayer that follows right along to finding that inner peace.
Why the kings of leon suck!!!

by Jenny Joy
This family based band consisting of both Brothers and a cousin, has in some ways earned its rite of passage by struggling through committed song writing and traveling during it's early stages in development.
However, look at who they are now.
A band that was destined by themselves to break through and even convinced the uninspired waste of critics over at Rolling stone magazine that this was a 4 out of 5 star band.. the one to watch...
But thanks to Talihini sky you are opened into a backwoods world revival of sons of a preacher man who is more or less convinced his sons are on the hell bound path of existence.
From being home-schooled by their mother to writing lyrics about how your sex is on fire.
Lead singer Caleb is starting to act out in an “oasis” manner that never works. The singing style resemble constant whining and come off very desperate.
One of the funnier finds that I came across on this lame KOL research was a youtube video called shreds... where they overdub vocals and guitars and keep the live performance.... the humor to me was there was not much difference in this then a regular video of theirs.
Your either a hillbilly or a pretentious douche bag pick one....
while listening to “ use somebody”
we are meant to believe that this home schooled preacher kid who grew up in the back woods of the south has spent his life searching for someone to love to oh yeah, find it within a Victoria secret model?
Seems like total bullshit...
not to mention it pains me to admit that I still can not place the tune in my head but in the song Use somebody, the oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh part I swear I have heard in a commercial somewhere and no I do not mean the car ad... more like an amusement park... but one day it will come to me and I will repost this just because I must at this point...
in my opinion if you are looking for a class act band that is sincere and loyal to there fans then try listening to the black keys...
they may be from Akron Ohio, but most good rock came from Ohio anyhow...
so in closing your all robots... and the kings of Leon suck major donkey D.
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