by Jenny Joy
This family based band consisting of both Brothers and a cousin, has in some ways earned its rite of passage by struggling through committed song writing and traveling during it's early stages in development.
However, look at who they are now.
A band that was destined by themselves to break through and even convinced the uninspired waste of critics over at Rolling stone magazine that this was a 4 out of 5 star band.. the one to watch...
But thanks to Talihini sky you are opened into a backwoods world revival of sons of a preacher man who is more or less convinced his sons are on the hell bound path of existence.
From being home-schooled by their mother to writing lyrics about how your sex is on fire.
Lead singer Caleb is starting to act out in an “oasis” manner that never works. The singing style resemble constant whining and come off very desperate.
One of the funnier finds that I came across on this lame KOL research was a youtube video called shreds... where they overdub vocals and guitars and keep the live performance.... the humor to me was there was not much difference in this then a regular video of theirs.
Your either a hillbilly or a pretentious douche bag pick one....
while listening to “ use somebody”
we are meant to believe that this home schooled preacher kid who grew up in the back woods of the south has spent his life searching for someone to love to oh yeah, find it within a Victoria secret model?
Seems like total bullshit...
not to mention it pains me to admit that I still can not place the tune in my head but in the song Use somebody, the oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh part I swear I have heard in a commercial somewhere and no I do not mean the car ad... more like an amusement park... but one day it will come to me and I will repost this just because I must at this point...
in my opinion if you are looking for a class act band that is sincere and loyal to there fans then try listening to the black keys...
they may be from Akron Ohio, but most good rock came from Ohio anyhow...
so in closing your all robots... and the kings of Leon suck major donkey D.
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