The Art of Being Trendy- Jenny Joy
To one, the simple art of matching comes easily, and to others like myself it poses a problem.
I was working for a massive retail establishment, always being told to look good to sell big!
I get it, not being fashion forward minded, I started looking around to the people that I was working with to see what they were wearing.
This was at a time where I was seeing a lot of footless black tights and baby doll dresses and skirts accompanied by a cute blouse or whatever.
So I think to myself, Why the hell not! I can do this, I'm cute right?
I told myself today is the day! I asked two of my co-workers to shop with me and guide on this path of trendiness that has always alluded me.
I find the outfit and then get home and start pumping myself up for my new adventure at work the next day.
It starts off by passing the shoe section of the store a get a “Hey Red, looking` good!”
I now have a sudden spring to my step as I saunter onward toward my section of the store.
I meet up with my co-workers who all look very put together themselves and they tell me I did it!
And now we await the occasional walk by of upper management who check us out to make sure we are behaving or looking good … to be honest the woman that hired me looked more like one of my idols Howard Stern then she did a good looking woman. But low and behold here she comes. We are wearing similar things which should have made me feel better. As she gets closer, I can see her looking at me head back and with new eyes, but instead of kind eyes they turn into these tiny slits that seem to seethe anger. Still she looks on and never says a word... eerie...
I am of course a bit confused looking around me to see if there is something going on behind me that I may have missed. There she goes looking deep into my soul and walks off. I am shaken but shrug it off.
Then it was maybe a half hour later and I see her again which for a normal day was odd.
She is heading right for me! Oh no, I think this is it she is gonna say something.
She walks up to me and starts off with some crap about how she noticed that I bought a new outfit and how she appreciates my efforts of trying to be trendy, but then folks here it comes. Her next words to me were... but could you never do that again. Can you believe it!!! I was so stunned, that I was just able to get out a squeak of : cool... no problem, I was just trying something new.
You know, as that old broad walked off with her smug holier then thou face, I walked over to my friends to tell them. Through out that day she came up to me 2 more times. Once to say that my tights were were too sheer, she had me buy a new pair but didn’t like those either she said to avoid being sent home I could wear both pairs as layers.
Next was my skirt, she claimed it was too short and had me go buy another right then and there to hang lower. Now people, I am not a small girl and do not wear slut bag clothes that show off my ass, So that was over the top. There was no way I was inappropriate looking! But whatever.
To this day I have a hard time dealing with trying on new things or thinking about what is “in Style” because of her. Words hurt people, that is the lesson learned.
-Jenny Joy
Your all robots! So at least dress differently Geez!
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