-Jenny Joy
It's February, which for me means I don't leave the house much
Cuz let's face it it's too damn cold out!
But when I do I like to make the most of my day.
Brad and I decided to go see a movie “The Grey”
So I feel it best to describe this experience from the beginning....
we get to the theater early, so fair enough people are talking, whatever that's all fine and dandy..
except for the fact that the people across from us are these older folks who claim they do not like gossiping about other people spent the entire time talking about everyone under the sun, so and so is fat now and so ugly and some poor guy who they are bashing about him only going to see gay movies and calling him the dreaded “fagot”... grrrr....
the lights go off, when realistic I feel that is the time when you SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!
but no, we start with the first preview, a horror film.
Doesn't matter which one, point is you see a girl and she looks to be in pain and then this old fuck starts in... “ these movies only cost 2 dollars to make, but people keep going” his companion old stupid lady, chimes in “ yeah! Then they all make millions of dollars off it!”
oh good, glad we cleared that up!
Now that I have lost focus on what I’ve just seen on the screen....
I am at this point fixated on these horrendous voices behind me and I can't seem to regain focus on the movie...
then we get to the feature film, the words THE GREY come up and the old fucker of course feels the need to read the words out loud as they appear...
Again thanks for that buddy without your help I couldn't have made it through the intro..
This did not end here...
anyone who has seen the preview knows that this movie is based in cold weather and the whole time they are both talking...
Oh it's so cold there...
Hey look it's his wife...
Oh It's a wolf!
At this point my inner rage went from 0 to 15 in a hulk moment that thank go, I just swallowed down... at one point I look at them shaking my head.. what else can I do?!
I thought that only teenagers were disrespectful in public, I guess not.
They laugh as you would assume a teenager again to do.
But then shh each other when they get fired up again verbally describing the scenes from the movie out loud. They proceed to giggle at us like we are the assholes..
I'm freaking sorry, but did I just pay to hang out with you in your living room like we are watching a netflix and you talk through the whole damn thing or what?!
the movie was good, it was sad in some parts, but all I could think about was how I wish the fucking wolf would hurry up and eat these people!
Then you get to the end and of course they hated it...
so all in all...
what an experience....
I understand that when you in a small theater it's hard to avoid certain things but people have respect... when you are out in public think for one second about how others have paid money as well to have a good time. So please SHUT UP!!!
thank you...
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