if anything represents the cultural divide in this country it is glee and friday night lights. glee is how those on the left wish the american high school experience could be. kids of all races, sexual orientations ,physical challenges and social classes use the arts to overcome adversity and challenge authority. friday night lights on the other hand is what those on the right wish the american high school experience is. a community rallies around a team that focuses on honor, personal responsibility and sacrifice. both shows are, no matter where you stand politically,well written and acted. but if who wins the battle is determined by popularity my money is on glee. friday night lights lasted 5 seasons before ending and glee is about to enter it's 4th season in the fall and seems to be a cultural phenomenon with an incredible amount of promo products and hit albums. maybe it's the singing, but i think the show has taped into what most of america belives..
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