sandman was a series that defined 90's comics and ha become a touchstone of fantasy literature. had dave mckean's striking covers not grabbed readers attention it may have had a hard time being discovered. this collection of covers with commentary by mckean is essential for every sandman fan. each cover is a work of art in itself. creepy? yes. beautiful? without a doubt.
Friday, December 9, 2011
sandman - the dust covers
sandman was a series that defined 90's comics and ha become a touchstone of fantasy literature. had dave mckean's striking covers not grabbed readers attention it may have had a hard time being discovered. this collection of covers with commentary by mckean is essential for every sandman fan. each cover is a work of art in itself. creepy? yes. beautiful? without a doubt.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
dropkick murphys

it' easy to call certain songs on this album "sellout", but it's nothing more than a knee jerk reaction and opinion that would change with further listenings. to me this album hits a really pure working class no bullshit blue collar working class record... in a way. the struggles of the worker in an undiluted exspression that transcends political classification. there is common ground here that all of the 99% can relate to.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
dead kennedys - live the early years
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
boulevard of broken dreams

kim deitch's cartoon work is beautiful and psychedelic, influenced as much by early disney cartoons as robert crumb' work. Boulevard sees these influences to their logical if still surreal conclusions.. a mad cartoonist and an even more insane cat. a tale of the early days of cartooning wrapped in the pathos of modern life.. brilliant.
Monday, December 5, 2011
izombie vol 2 - ivampire

zombies and vampires are hot right now. combining them in an adult oriented but still teen centric comic seems like a no brainer(the zombie ate it). the second collection of sleeper vertigo hit izombie is a very human tale involving supernatural beings. it is the human part that makes the story compelling. in the end they are just like us... with the same trials and challenges we faced as teenagers.. yeah we've seen this kind of story telling before but good writing makes these characters very relatable. - becky hunt
Thursday, November 17, 2011
dr doom mini series

Dr doom is nothing if not a complex character. the tpb collection of two dr doom miniseries highlights that complexity and ruthlessness.. it also humanizes him. chuck nixon pays respect to the character and the medium. check it out. you'll enjoy it. mainstream comics can be better then you think. - ben hunt
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
human target - second chances

human target is a character that seems tailor made for the vertigo adult comics treatment. this collection does not disappoint. complex story lines and believable drama make this graphic novel more sophisticated and more enjoyable than most hollywood films. its a shame vertigo can't seem to make this series stick. the storytelling opportunities are staggering. - becky hunt
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
last universe

william sleator's last universe is both a learning experience and full of enough drama as any young adult book. reading this it is understand why so many adults are finding these novels entertaining. they are quick reeds with action and finely tunes characters. nothing wrong with that.. plus it gets people reading which is always good.
Monday, November 14, 2011
pretenders - loose in LA

it's nice to see the pretenders still doing there thing. perhaps what tickles me most about this concert film is how that they are as good today as they ever were. that is a rarity and should be applauded for sure. pretenders are rock stripped down to it's every guy roots with a healthy dose of feminism and emotional intellectualism thrown in. the band does what it does as good as or better than anyone else. and chrissie hynde deserves her place among the female royalty of rock.
Monday, November 7, 2011
happy town

something called out to me in the bargain bin of midtown comics. it was happy town vol 2. i knew by looking at the cover i knew it would contain that certain kind of sadness only comics can communicate. the sad looks on the characters faces, the longing. pure indie comics bliss.. add to that the sci-fi, and spiritual elements.. happy town has a lot of heart and. intelligence.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
marvel comics - fear itself

it's not that i dislike marvel's latest crossover event.. it's just that i wanted to like it more. marvel has been good about keeping up with current events and reflecting that in their comics, but fear itself doesn't go far enough. it is a very tense time in the world with economic breakdowns and war... but the fear itself story line seems compartmentalized and cut off from the larger world. i want empathy and connection from a book supposedly reflecting modern culture in way that you can analyze. it's worth reading just don't be expecting grand statements on the world. - ben hunt
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
x-men 2

x-men first class may have been one of the best of of this summer, but i still say x-men 2 was one of the better sequels ever made. it took everything right about the first one and amplified it while getting rid of the cheesiness of the first one. in my mind that was done by giving the movie a darker tone and being more real world with the dialog. the script and execution of the film making showed a true love of the source material and a deep respect for the medium of comics. 2 things every comic book movies need to be successful.
Monday, October 24, 2011
henry rollins - fanatic vol 1
Henry rollins never ceases to amaze me. music, film, writing, radio host, the guy has done it all. and still has hours left over to listen and research music. fanatic is detailed guide to the music he played on his radio show Harmony in My Head. it is a truly informative and humorous way to be introduced to hundreds of elusive songs and bands. rollins has done his homework with this one, he gives a background on each song and info on how to find it yourself if you are so inclined. that's rollins for you. always making the rest of us look lazy..
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
misery - the movie..

stephen king works best when he's working with a simple, terrifying premise. On paper misery is just that.. a writer in a car accident is cared for by his number 1 fan, who just happens to be psychotic. he can't leave and she goes more and more insane when she learns he has killed off her favorite character. horrifying? absolutely. in the film adaption, rob reiner stays true to the movie and manages to bring the horror of the book to life in an undiluted way. but it is really kathy bates who plays annie wilkes to complete madness personified. her performance earned her an academy award and scared everyone who saw the movie. Well done.
Monday, October 17, 2011
tori amos - night of hunters by special guest reviewer jenny joy white.

over the course of her career, tori amos has heard her calling. every experience that tori takes you on is there on its own right, a wonderful and creative adventure. Night of hunters has this creativity plus lyrics that take you back to "core" tori.
As for the contributions on this album by her daughter Tash, as a huge fan amos it is crazy in in a good and exciting way to say that "job's coffin" has been the track that i can't seem to get enough of. Her vocals hit with same power as her mother's. Over the years tori, trough her music, has talked of her struggles and challenges of parenthood, now her daughter shares center stage to become part of her mother's creation. Tori has become ethereal and it takes the album to a whole new level.
Also of note is the contributions of Kelsey Dobyns, tori's niece, which are very complimentary to tori's melody. in the end this album is a family affair.
whether you are listening to tori singing alone or with the others, from start to finish it is a fantastic work of art.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

it is true that joel peter witkin's work is grotesque and at times horrifying, but what many overlook is the detail and care and, dare i say it, beauty, of his photos. you don't have to have a taste for the morbid to see how much preparation his work takes. he sees beauty in the dark side of life and in doing so takes a power away from the things that go bump in the night and plague the psyche.
Monday, October 10, 2011

sebadoh' harmacy has always been my favorite of lou barlow's albums. it's not as noisy or inventive as some of his other work, but it's catchy and raw enough to stand with landmarks of 90s indie rock. even though these songs are hummable they still have edge. i'm just waiting for the rest of you hipsters to notice how good it is.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Genesis - the videos

i put this dvd on expecting to make fun of it.. and i did, but i also came a way with an understanding of what genesis was trying to do. they were trying to mix pop sensibilites with prog rock. the results are laughable at moments, but they do prove just how adaptable pop music can be. any genre can be reinvented adn inturpreted thtough the lens of pop music. the videos are silly but the spirit of pop shine through no matter how much of a jackass phil collins tries to be.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

i love this album. i know that exile in guyville is a better record. i could give you a long list of reasons why it is a better album, but i have listened to wcse 100 times more. it is the mix of melody, lyrics and vision. liz had a child and was in general dealing with getting older. i may not not have a child or be a woman, but i could relate. i was 24 at the time and starting my first job in a new city.. i could relate, at least a little, to what she was saying. i hope history is kinder to this album then the critics were. it deserves a second chance.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Hair High (the graphic novel)

Bill Plympton is known as known for his surreal illustrations and textured style and this adaption of his feature film Hair High is no exception. what could be a cliche ghost story is turned into a mindbending look at high school. one we all can relate to... plympton's exaggerated drawings take simple high school issues and makes them look how they all felt when we were that young, huge and distorted and horrible. Once again graphic literature hits us in the heart by being direct and honest. - becky hunt
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Lillian the Legend

Lilian the legend tells the story if lillian, a russian immigrant who travels by any means necessary (walk, train, etc) from New York to Alaska. The beauty of this book is how the medium of sequential art captures the dram, heartache and determination with direct lines and focused storytelling. Lillian's plight could be an epic film prime for an oscar win, but presented as a graphic novel it is all the more personal. and.. it is a true story..
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cla$$war is another superhero story for grown ups by Com-x. A chaotic establishing challenging 21st century deconstruction. A 00's Watchmen. The nationalism that arose in the post 9/11 is the perfect target for superhero fiction. Cla$$war uses a superhero to represent the american spirit. a spirit that transcends the efforts of those in charge to distort it and make it ugly. It's a spirit of rebelliouness and indivudality that cannot be distilled or manipulated. we will not abide being lied to. once again comics prove to be a great medium for examining the times we live in.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
glee and friday night lights

if anything represents the cultural divide in this country it is glee and friday night lights. glee is how those on the left wish the american high school experience could be. kids of all races, sexual orientations ,physical challenges and social classes use the arts to overcome adversity and challenge authority. friday night lights on the other hand is what those on the right wish the american high school experience is. a community rallies around a team that focuses on honor, personal responsibility and sacrifice. both shows are, no matter where you stand politically,well written and acted. but if who wins the battle is determined by popularity my money is on glee. friday night lights lasted 5 seasons before ending and glee is about to enter it's 4th season in the fall and seems to be a cultural phenomenon with an incredible amount of promo products and hit albums. maybe it's the singing, but i think the show has taped into what most of america belives..
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Social Distortion .. live

Mike ness is the punk rock bruce springsteen. his song writing is as american as apple pie and has never secreased in quality over the years. and neither has the quality of his band when it comes to playing live. this is blue collar punk played razor sharp and tight. in many circles ness is considered a legend, but he should be a household name and this dvd will show you why.
Monday, July 18, 2011
l7 - bricks are heavy

a lot of my fellow 90's music fans remember this album with a nice nostalgia. i've been trying to figure out why.. and i think that despite all the rudeness and anger there was both a healthy mean atittude and positive message both for young aspiring feminists and the generally mad and deinfranchised youth. 90's may have then era of the slacker, but at heart we young folks wanted to make a difference and it was songs like pretend we're dead that helped focus that vision.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
eddie vedder live dvd - water on the road

this dvd was recorded before the release of his ukele songs album so a lot of the material is from pearl jam albums as well as the into the wild soundtrack and a few covers. it is nice to see that eddie has matured and changed with times. it was pearl jam continue to be a relevant musical force. live and solo eddie sounds strong yet weary. it was recorded in 2008 so i think at that time we were all tired of the bush years.. war and a strangled economy.. weary though he may have been, he still manages to let the humor shine through. in the end, eddie has aged gracefully.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
walking in london

Most people remember Concrete Blonde from their hit Joey, but it was the follow up album, walking in london, that i really enjoyed. heavy bass, country tinges, a leonard coen influence and a penchant for heart on the sleeve delviery made theses songs part of my high school soundtrack. it also didn't hurt that singer/ bass player Johnette Napolitano delved into her interest into the supernatural for lyrical content. in the end, despite the almost hit "Someday", this album failed to match the sales of the Bloodletting album. that just helped me to feel like i was onto something special that other people just didn't get and that was ok with me.
Monday, June 27, 2011
80s cartoons based on toylines pt 5

ok, the dungeons and dragons cartoon was not based on a toyline out right, but there were a few figures made that found their way on to the show. Over all not complex but fun, this show exiested to put a friendly face on a game that many parents found dangerous. there were so many in the religous community that felt the role playing game would lead to devil worship that the folks at tsr games had to act. the result was a kids show that was a 1/2 hour escape every sat morning...
Thursday, June 23, 2011
80's cartoons based on toylines pt 4 - transformers

Of all these cartoons i think transformers has stood the test of time best. in my own humble opinion it is because of the character of soundwave. 30 years later his voice still sounds erie and cool. who cares if he turns into a cassette walkman? transformers was always as hokey a concept as the toys were fun to play with. if you ask me the original cartoon does a better job of utilizing that concept than micheal bay does. anybody in their mid 30's - man or woman - probably watched this growing up.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
80's cartoons based on toylines pt 3

the toyline C.O.P.S. didn't last long, but perhaps it was ahead of its time. an elite police force protecting Empire City? Sounds tailor made for the dubya years. politics aside this show can be fun but the villians are all dumb.. and the edward g. robinson impresion voice of main bad guy Big boss just grates on the nerves. in reality, this toyline/show was just a GI Joe rip off and kids saw right thtrough it.
Friday, May 27, 2011
80's cartoons based on toylines pt 2 - masters of the universe

originally a rip off of both conan the barbarian and jack kirby's new gods, he- man, in his first incarnation, was a roaming barbarian.. then came the cartoon. in all honesty if you watch these with your kid today you may still be entertained, but it would have been a lot better keeping to the original story concept than the planet of eternia, prince adam non-sense. why was cringer the only animal that could talk? it's probably he-man and orko's fault that i'm not a huge fantasy fan.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
80's cartoons based on toy lines pt 1 - GI Joe

a lot of us in our 30's have nostalgia for gi joe. for the sake of that generation wide nostalgia it is obvious that the gi joe cartoon is a classic. quality wise though it just isn't that good. the writing was much better in the comic even as a kid i thought that the story lines in the cartoons were a joke, which is one of the reasons why i still love the medium of graphic literature. i don't doubt it is good fun watching these episodes and reliving a part of your childhood, just don't be expecting quality.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
henry rollins - a mad dash

henry rollins is a fascinating figure becuase he so full of dichotimies. he is focused and tough yet funny. intelligent yet innocent. at heart, henry's angry image and outlook betray an insecurity at his core. in his travel journal form 2008, called a mad dash, this insecurity is laid bare. henry walks empty european streets, looking for solace and worrying about attendance at his shows and still grieving over his dead best friend joe. he reads incessantly and goes crazy if he is not constantly moving.. refusing to let life get the best of him. a lot of this tome is simply written, but pure drive and a crystal vision make this both touching and inspirational.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
nan goldin

the introduction to this book says more about nan's work than i ever could in terms of her artistry. i've always liked work/ art that reached me personally and nan's work does. i am struck by the starkness and realism, the unflinching, but unjudging eye. to call her pictures romantic wouldn't be off the mark, but they romanticize drug addiction or aids or any of the other perils captured by the lens. they present it in all the ugliness of reality. they show you truth and force you to deal with it like all art should.
Monday, May 9, 2011
old 97's

pop music is fascinating to because it can mix with any genre, not that the results are always great. take pop country. a lot of times it is trite and unthreatening. the old 97's may mix pop with country. thee songs are catchy with just enough twang, but it's the alt rock influence that gives them the edge. they are a little peppier then there no depression scene counterparts, but still to raw for mainstream country radio, it would have been easy fro them to get lost in the shuffle, but they have managed to maintain a pretty strong and well deserved fan base.
Friday, May 6, 2011
5 grossest fast food items
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
revisiting an old comic strip

i cam across this collection of little orphan annie comic strips from the 30's. it tells the story of annie hitting the road while daddy warbucks is out of town. she ends up in cosmic city staying a kind family who is getting pestered by their evil landlord phenias p pinchpenny. what struck about this collection is how it served as a en example of what republicans a re supposed to stand for .. hard work, humiilty and family... annie starts a business and humiliates pinchpenny by being honest and pulling herself up by her bootstraps. how have conservatives fallen so far from their ideals. how have they become so morally abhorent? instead of fighting pinchpenny, these days conservatives would paint him as the victim.
Monday, May 2, 2011

by no means a great film, Deadland had the same kind low budget feel that helped me enjoy stake land. the major problem with this movie was the acting.. horrible. i didn't believe for one second any of the characters would have what it would take to survive in a post nuclear world. But hey bad acting doesn't mean i didn't enjoy it. May be it's my weakness for post apocalyptic scenarios, but i still give this movie two thumbs up.. have a few beers and watch this.. just don't be expecting citizen kane..
Friday, April 29, 2011
black holes

Muse has made a career of picking up the prog rock reigns from radiohead when thom yorke decided to pick a synth and his first warped records 12', although not quite as deep as radiohead, muse does mange to layer sound and complexity together in radiofreindly(er) concoction. muse are natural rock stars and would rather rock a stadium then staying at home reading philosophy and studying, as the british say, maths. blackholes and revelations is my personal favorite. in the days of diminished record sales and poor concert attendance this band pulls out the stops and drags stadium rock into the 21st century kicking and screaming
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
pocket cash

In his introduction, john carter cash says that his father has such a spirit that it even shows in pictures that he isn't in. he is very right and that spirit is over flowing in this collection of jim marshall's iconic photos. spanning the 60's and 70's, including cash's legendary performances at folsom and san quentin, these photos show johnny cash at the height of his creativity and popularity. he was back with june and done with drugs and the rugged survivor's soul is running on all cylinders. this is a legendary artists prime and his status as an american treasure is only reinforced.
Monday, April 25, 2011
stake land

stake land is made for the reader of fangoria magazine. gory, made with a small budget and mean as hell. telling the story of a pot apocalyptic america after a vampire plague, this film works because it doesn't have big special effects shots of cities being destroyed.. it makes it al personal by keeping a tight focus on a few characters and letting them loss on a landscape as familiar as you might see outside your front door. this claustrophobic approach should be used more in modern horror films. not a great movie but a very fun piece of horror fiction.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
another good photo book mick rock "Exsposed"

if there has ever been a more comprehensive collection of photos documenting the rock n roll era i certainly have not seen it. Mick rock covers everyone from a young ozzy to gogol bordelo's eugene lutz You will notice many of these photos from iconic album covers, but it's out takes from these shoots that are the most telling. you can see debbie harry lighten up a bit, for instance.. the over all sense of cool in these photos give them all an attitude that embraces rock's rebellious spirit. this is an essential coffee table book.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
death cab's even softer side..

indie rocker's death cab for cutie may not be the first band you'd choose as subject for a intriguing photo essay, but autumn de wilde manages to capture the group members in their natural state.. on the road, on stage and in the studio. the result is intimate, feeling like a backstage pass. had she done this to a band like, say U2, it wouldn't have had the same effect. you'd never feel like part of bono's world, but you do feel like you're hanging with the guys in death cab. they are just like us... it breaks down the barrier between band and fan and makes it seem effortless.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Rush april 10, 2011 at madison square garden.

Set list
"The Spirit of Radio"
"Time Stand Still"
"Stick It Out"
"Workin' Them Angels"
"Leave That Thing Alone"
"BU2B" (from Clockwork Angels)
"Tom Sawyer"
"Red Barchetta"
"The Camera Eye"
"Witch Hunt"
"Vital Signs"
"Caravan" (from Clockwork Angels)
"Love 4 Sale" (Drum solo)
"Closer To The Heart"
"2112 Overture / The Temples of Syrinx"
"Far Cry"
"La Villa Strangiato" (with polka intro)
"Working Man" (with reggae intro and Cygnus X-1: Book I outro)
I generally tend to judge a concert by the setlist, which makes this show pretty damn great. after more than 30 years on the scene rush is a band that knows how to please its loyal fanbase. the band gave an overview of its entire career including some tracks from the overlooked counterparts record. many fans would be happy just to listen to neil peart play the drums for two hours, so i really have to hand it to the band that they play with as much passion and heart as they do. the band was having a good time and the crowd fed off of that. back in 1991 rush was my first concert. i liked them live just as much at this show.
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The one thing about this book that stood out to me was just how many important scandals the author, greg palast, helped to break. Especially the expunging of black voters in florida in the 2000 election. greg has been a thorn in republican's side for years and this book is a collection of his greatest hits. read and be educated. the bush era, thankfully, is behind us and as we struggle to put it all back together again after his disasterous presidency everyone should read this book so that history never gets a chance to repeat itself.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
nonplayer #1

i don't usually mention individual issues of comic series on this blog, Nonplayer #1 v good enough to get a little write up. The perfect mix of art and story this book comes across like a children's book written for adults. telling the story of a slacker gamer who is a master player in an online roleplaying game that isn't what it seems, the lush colors and drawings and deft writing make this one a winner.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

a lot has been said about the decemberists new album, but i've always felt this was there masterpiece. epic, literary and brainy, i can't help but feeling like a nerd listening to this album , but i don't mind the songs are all beautifully written with a flair for story telling not seen since bruce springsteen. if this album were a kid it would raise it hand and know the answer of every question the teacher had, but you'd like him anyway because he/she would be just as interesting as he/she is smart.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
robot chicken

For a person who came to age in the 80's and grew up loving 80's geek culture this show is a godsend. no rock is left unturned, everything from never ending story to gi joe is parodied with loving reverence and potty humor. funny and nostalgic at the same time, you'll remember why you loved the video games, toys, cartoons and movies that you did when you were 10.
Monday, April 4, 2011
an inside job..

Inside Job is a documentary that should outrage you. untethered greed combined with the deregulation of the baking industry has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs and billions of dollars. you can talk all you want about about free markets spreading freedom and wealth throughout the world, but you'd better account for the base human nature of greed. If you want to know why the economic crash happened this film is your road map. It will boil your blood and put into sharp focus that there is a place and a need for government in business and regulations are necessary. laissez-faire just will not cut it.
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