Dear Alicia,
As much as I enjoy "Empire State OF Mind" (living in the New York area how could I not, right?), I have to ask why did you sell out so bad on your Elements of Freedom album? You have so much more in you than boring hip hop beats and lame string samples. I've heard you play piano. I've heard you sing. Dig deep girl. I know you can do it. Don't settle for production that was played out in '92. I know the temptation is strong to put out a radio friendly unit shifter, but maybe.. just maybe if you made an honest record next time you could be a legend. An icon. Stop thinking Mariah Carey and start thinking Billie Hoiliday. The music that influnced you is jazz and blues not commercial R&B. And don't try arguing with me, I hear it in your earlier music. It's unmistakable and powerful. There's a saying in politics. You Dance With the One What Brung Ya. You're wearing a ball gown so stop trying to dance with the new arrivals in the baggy jeans and crooked baseball hats. it's making you look ridiculous.
thank you
Everybody's a critic
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